Parental Involvement Helps Strengthen the Home-School Connection for Kids
posted on Nov 08, 2023
We at Gurukul The School, ranked among the top ranking schools in Ghaziabad

Let's begin today's blog with a question. A question we'd like to ask each of our readers.
What do you think is the most life-changing learning ground for children? We at Gurukul The School, ranked among the top ranking schools in Ghaziabad, are sure this question has left you confused between two entities, home and the school. Trust us, you are 100% justified to have this confusion because in reality there is no one choice, none of these entities is above the other.
This brings us to a fair conclusion that both home and school, parents and teachers, and a solid bond between the two are critical for the growth and progress of children. This is exactly what we'd be discussing in today's blog.
Hands down, a strong home-school connection is a must for children. But, how can one make that a reality? It's simple! You, the parents need to take a step forward and show some involvement with your child’s school. Achieving this end is vital for all the following reasons:
- Exploiting two crucial learning hubs
We at Gurukul The School strongly believe that even though the involvement of home and school is moving parallel in imparting knowledge to children, a point of intersection becomes absolutely necessary.
This is where parental involvement becomes significant. For children to be clear with bookish knowledge and life skills, it's vital that all that children learn at school overlaps with the teachings at home. Failure to do so is likely to leave the child lost and confused.
As parents, it’s on you to ensure that your child doesn't find himself/herself in this trap. It is hence always better to stay involved in your child’s everyday learnings at school to remain on the same page.
We all teach our children to be efficient communicators and why not? But the question here is do we walk the talk? If you as a parent are interested in the home-school bond benefiting your child, it becomes all the more important for you to open up all communication channels with the school and the teachers. Once you do this, you will realize how the outcome is working 100% in the interest of your children.
At Gurukul The School, if there are 4 areas that we personally look into with respect to each of our pupils, it is the child's strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat, that is basically SWOT.
There's a lot that we as a school try to derive from the child's responses, performance, and involvement. And we are pretty sure that on the other hand, at home, something similar is observed and derived by parents too!
Now if both the parties are working on a common agenda, why not work collectively? This will only benefit your child by helping him/her to optimize on strengths, improve on weaknesses, grab every opportunity, and keep threats at bay.
Doesn't this make for a valuable home-school connection-based outcome right there?
We at Gurukul The School firmly believe that when it comes to children, undivided attention should be paid to their need-based learning. We wish for every child to learn well and enjoy the process of learning, which is why we don't hesitate to sprinkle the seeds of personalization in classroom learning. However, this can work out to be a time-consuming process as the school and teachers have to study every child and draw performance-based conclusions. With parental involvement, this same process can be speeded because parents very well know their child's needs and shortcomings, and defining which to the school can make drawing the POA easier for the school. Surely a win-win situation for all!
- Holistic development of children:
As we have stepped into the 21st century, we have clearly understood that education and learning are way beyond rankings and grades. It's more so ever about life skills and practical acumen, which we otherwise understand as holistic development.
This is another area, which becomes seamless, in cases that display unbreakable home-school bonds. This is usually a result of parental involvement, where the parent clearly defines areas that they have been successful in introducing their children to the areas where the child might need some special help from the experts at school.
Isn't it wonderful how this selfless bond and involvement can help children learn, grow, and flourish?
Concluding Words:
As a parent, if you are desirous of your child learning well and being drawn to studies and learning, it is important that your home-based teachings align with what is being taught at school.
This can only be possible if you put your guard down and take a step forward to display your undivided involvement. Doing so would help in developing and strengthening the home-school bond, which would only eventually contribute to the interest of children and their learning needs.
We at Gurukul The School, one of the most trusted and the top schools in Ghaziabad, always look forward to parents coming in, having in-depth discussions with us, and working collectively towards the bright future of our students. After all, if it is for the well-being and development of children, why not come together to have a strong home-school connection?